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Doctor’s Visit Companion

Preview of Doctor’s Visit Companion. Please download your’s using the form.

Preview of Doctor’s Visit Companion. Please download your’s using the form.


Have you ever walked out of a doctor’s appointment and remembered a question you wanted to ask? Or have you arrived home and completely forget the name of a diagnosis, medication, or a specialist? The Doctor’s Visit Companion is designed to help you organize your thoughts before and during your appointment. Write down the questions that you have for your doctor in the days leading up to your appointment. Create a list of the medications that you are currently on and their dosages as well as any symptoms and their frequencies. During your appointment write down any medications, procedures, specialists, or referrals that your doctor recommends. Before you leave make sure you have asked them, “What are the next steps I should to take”? Make sure you leave with a plan of action. If you are looking for more tips check out my blog post, Preparing for your doctor’s appointment. I hope this printable helps you maximize your time with your doctor.

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